मराठी शाब्दबंध (Marathi Wordnet)

मराठीतील शब्दगत संकल्पनांचा कोश (A Lexical Database for Marathi)

मराठी शाब्दबंध
View in Marathi

Marathi wordnet is based on idea of English WordNet. It is more than a conventional Marathi dictionary. It gives different relations between synsets or synonym sets which represent unique concepts.

The Marathi WordNet is released under GNU GPL 3.0 and the lexicon under GNU FDL. Please read the Licensing terms before downloading / using.

Due to the relocation and reconfiguration of our servers, we might face short spans of downtime. WordNet might not function for a short span of time. We apologize for the inconvinience.

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  • This web site uses Unicode for Devangari text (view and input).
  • To view the pages correctly "Unicode support" should be installed on your computer.
  • Please visit unicode-support.doc ( Microsoft word file) to install unicode on the machine.
  • You can refer to keyboard map (image) to enter word in Unicode.

  For commercial use, please write to

Prof. Pushpak Bhattacharyya,
Computation for Indian Language Technology (CFILT),
Computer Science and Engineering Department,
IIT Bombay, Mumbai, Powai - 400 076 .

The Dean R & D, IIT Bombay will countersign the form and the copy will be mailed back to you.

Marathi Wordnet is a project funded by T. D. I. L. (Technology Development for Indian Languages)

 For any query, please mail to

Prof. Pushpak Bhattacharya  (pb[at]cse.iitb.ac.in),
Mrs. Lata Popale  (popale.lata[at]gmail.com)

[related words: Marathi, Dictionary, Lexicon, Wordnet, synset, Marathi dictionary,Marathi thesaurus]

