यथाकक्षम् (Classwise)

विभिन्नशिक्षणमण्डलानां शालेय-कक्षाम् अनुसृत्य अन्वेषणम् |


यथाज्ञानम् (Levelwise)

ज्ञानस्तरम् अनुसृत्य |

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चित्रमाध्यमेन शिक्षणम्

शब्दाः अमूर्ताः सन्ति, मस्तिष्कार्थं तेषां स्मरणं कठिनतरं च भवति, चित्राणि तु स्पष्टतराणि, एवं च सुलभतया स्मर्यन्ते ।


भाषाशिक्षणार्थं श्रवणं महत्त्वपूर्णं कौशलम् अस्ति। नूतनभाषाशिक्षणस्य मूलं एव अस्ति।


व्याकरणशिक्षणं भाषाध्ययनक्षमतां वर्धनाय एकः प्रभावी उपायः अस्ति।

आरभ्यतां संस्कृताध्ययनम्

भाषाध्ययनेन सामाजिकबाधानां सेतुनिर्माणं सम्भवति ।


भाषापरिचयम् अधिकृत्य अध्ययनम् | ज्ञानस्तरम् अनुसृत्य |

Student Engagement

Visuals are processed 60,000x more faster than words and helps you communicate a message that is remembered, effective visuals pack a serious punch when it comes to upping your engagement. Our brain retain and transmit much more information when it’s delivered visually.

Ease in Learning

Web interface and mobile app helps learning anytime, anywhere. Learning new Sanskrit concept is just one search away. It enables students to quickly create and communicate ideas, and concepts.

Our Purpose

"Education is not a physical thing that can be delivered through the post or through a teacher. Fertile and robust education is always created, rooted in the physical and cultural soil of the child, and nourished through interaction with parents, teachers, fellow students and the community. The role and dignity of teachers in this function must be strengthened and underlined. There is a mutuality to the genuine construction of knowledge. In this transaction the teacher also learns if the child is not forced to remain passive. Since children usually perceive and observe more than grown-ups, their potential role as knowledge creators needs to be appreciated." – National Curriculum Framework

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