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Number of Synset for "మెచ్చదగిన" : 1 Showing 1/1
Synset ID : 32 POS : adjective
Synonyms : మంచి, యోగ్యమైన, మెచ్చదగిన, శ్రేష్ఠమైన,
Gloss : యోగ్యతను కలిగి ఉండుట
Example statement : "ప్రపంచంలో మంచి మనుషులకు కొరతలేదు."
Gloss in hindi : जो भला या अच्छा हो या जिसमें अच्छे गुण हों या जिसके काम आदि से दूसरों का भला हो
Gloss in English : having desirable or positive qualities especially those suitable for a thing specified; "good news from the hospital"; "a good report card"; "when she was good she was very very good"; "a good knife is one good for cutting"; "this stump will make a good picnic table"; "a good check"; "a good joke"; "a good exterior paint"; "a good secretary"; "a good dress for the office"
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Acknowledgment: The majority of the funding for Indowordnet came from TDIL, DEITY, MCIT. Part of Dravidian wordnet work was supported in the project's initial phase by MHRD. Sanskrit wordnet was supported by MHRD