CD Making Guidelines

People coming after you should benefit from our work. The guideline below applies to all students: BTP, MTP and PHD

The CD you should make before leaving should contain


A. the CD should be marked by your name, roll no., year and the topic of your research; There should be a readme file in EVERY directory and subdirectory describing what the directory contains.

B. The top level readme file should contain your name, roll no., title of your thesis and the abstract.
Content Description for the folders above:
  1. System directory: your source and executable codes
  2. Documents directory with
    1. report directory
      1. pdf
      2. all source files (doc/tex)
    2. manual directory
      1. user manual (how to install and run the system)
      2. programmer manual (for a person who can change the code; JavaDocs/Oxygen etc.)
    3. slides directory
      1. first stage
      2. second stage
      3. seminar
      4. any other talks
      (PPTS and PDF)
    4. papers directory
      1. your own papers (tex, fig)
      2. others' papers read (pdf, ps, doc etc.)

After all this is done, Your report shall be signed.

Additional rules to follow: