हिन्दी शब्दतंत्र (Hindi Wordnet)

हिंदी शब्द संकल्पनाकोश (A Lexical Database for Hindi)

Hindi Wordnet Online
हिन्दी में पढ़ें

The Hindi WordNet is a system for bringing together different lexical and semantic relations between the Hindi words. It organizes the lexical information in terms of word meanings and can be termed as a lexicon based on psycholinguistic principles. The design of the Hindi WordNet is inspired by the famous English WordNet.

You can browse the Hindi Wordnet through this interface. It is more than a conventional Hindi dictionary. It gives different relations between synsets or synonym sets which represent unique concepts.

The Hindi WordNet and its API are released under GNU GPL 3.0 and the lexicon under GNU FDL. Please read the Licensing terms before downloading / using.

  • This web site uses Unicode for Devangari fonts.
  • To view the pages correctly Unicode support should be installed on your computer.
  • Please use keyboard map to enter word in unicode.
  • Searches that recursively traverse down noun hierarchies from very high in a tree (hyponyms of animals) are slower, as they require more processing.
  • All *(asterisk) marked synsets are direct translations from English, and the ones marked with +(plus) sign are culture specific synsets from other indic languages.

Hindi Wordnet is now available through Lingusitic Data consortium: See the LDC catalog announcement

Hindi Wordnet is a project funded by T. D. I. L. (Technology Development for Indian Languages)

  For any query, please mail to

Prof. Pushpak Bhattacharyya (pb@cse.iitb.ac.in),
Mrs. Laxmi   (yupu@cse.iitb.ac.in),
Mr. Diptesh Kanojia   (diptesh@cse.iitb.ac.in)

  For commercial use, please write to

Prof. Pushpak Bhattacharyya,
Centre for Indian Language Technology (CFILT),
Computer Science and Engineering Department,
IIT Bombay, Mumbai, Powai - 400 076 .

The Dean (R & D), IIT Bombay will countersign the form and a copy will be mailed to you.

[related words: Hindi, Dictionary, Lexicon, Wordnet, synset, Hindi dictionary, Hindi thesaurus]

